Design thinking begins with humans. The whole idea of design thinking revolves around the people we are creating for. It is a process for creative problem-solving. Design is more than what people think, it is not just lines on a paper or fabric on a figurine. It is an objective or goal behind an action.
The design allows you to differentiate between products and what ideation process went behind it. Sometimes you might feel like a product was created by keeping you in mind and sometimes you might think there was no thought process behind it at all. All this difference is design.
To create products, services, or maybe effective internal processes, you must design by keeping the user in mind. The very first question that must pop up in your mind should be “What is the human need behind it?”
There are 5 real life-lessons about Design thinking as well as five strategies that you can use daily to master the art of problem-solving.
The five strategies include:
– Visualize
– Challenge
– Reverse
– Empathize
– Commit
Each of these strategies is used in the below given 5 real-life lessons about Design Thinking.
1. Design for your users and not for yourself
Designing needs to be done by seeing the product from the user’s eye. It will require you to make assumptions, visualize, and challenge yourself. Once you are aware of what your user wants, you can design as per their needs.
You must empathize with your user before designing and consider their problem like yours. Only then will you be able to try and solve their problem by designing the product or service of their need.
2. Listen and understand your user
Your user has a unique story. It is imperative that you listen to that story and learn about your user’s perspective. In technical terms, this is listening to your target audience. What needs they have and how you are commiserating with those needs.
Always have an open mind and ask questions, learn what they like and dislike. Because remember that, at the end of the day the user is an invaluable resource of expertise and skill.
3. Be open to change and reassessment
Always be open to re-evaluation. Here comes the reverse strategy. This means that you should allow your design to be dynamic and adaptive. It is the wrestling with problem-solving that can be the impetus of your design growth.
It is often that when you change or redirect your ideas, it leads you to discoveries and better user-experiences. Do not have a stagnant mindset that is not open to change and modification because then your ideas will get exhausted and you will not be able to grow.
4. Fail quickly and fail often
The myth that more times means designing or producing a better product is false. Being wise when designing is very important. Do not go on spending weeks and months on brainstorming or planning your product. Take your time, of course, but quickly get your idea out there to get feedback. Take your user’s opinion an iterate accordingly.
Integrating feedback and testing your idea allows you to create a better product for your users. The quicker you understand what the target audience wants, the faster you will arrive at a workable solution.
5. Build on Ideas
When design thinking, always think through your problems. Brainstorming is very essential to build on ideas even when they seem unrealistic to others. An optimistic brainstorming through problems will encourage you to have better solutions and generate more ideas.
These were just a handful of the many real-life lessons about design thinking. But they can be applied to all sorts of businesses and jobs along with your everyday life situations.